Fantastic Short Films 6

An Misfortune

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Korea|2019 |30min |World Premiere |

Code Time Theater Rate GV Ticketing
228 7/11  20:00 CGV Sopung 8 12 GV
508 7/14  11:00 CGV Sopung 11 12
228 7/11  20:00CGV Sopung 8
12  GV
508 7/14  11:00CGV Sopung 11

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

A director, assistant director and producer decide to experience an abandoned house in order to make a horror film. Chunsagwan, a lodging facility for film staff at KOFIC Namyangju Studios, is known to be to be haunted. It is great to see the old Chunsagwan again, which had seemingly disappeared into history. All horror genre clichés can be found in this obvious, yet not too obvious horror film. Incidentally, where did all the ghosts of Chunsagwan go? (BAEK Jae-ho)



LEE Soonsung

Since Gangster high (2006), he has worked as a sound mixer on various features. In 2016, he finished graduate school at Sejong University where he went to prepare for being a director. 

Star Rating full_starfull_starfull_starfull_starfull_star  10.00