Fantastic Short Films 7


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Korea|2020 |30min |World Premiere |

Code Time Theater Rate GV Ticketing
205 7/11  11:00 CGV Sopung 8 15 GV
516 7/14  14:00 CGV Sopung 11 15
205 7/11  11:00CGV Sopung 8
15  GV
516 7/14  14:00CGV Sopung 11

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

One day, before the opening of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018, Yeonhwa, a North Korean defector and ticket-selling teahouse worker, delivers coffee to a motel. When undercover detectives enter to crack down on the motel, Yoonhyeok, the receptionist and aspiring police officer, stops them. It is interesting to see how people with different motives and situations gather in one place. The Olympics, which made us dream of peace on the Korean peninsula, arouses mixed feelings. (BAEK Jae-ho)



KIM Junmo

Born in Seoul, Korea. He graduated in film at Yongin University. Moths (2020) is his second short film after Visitor (2018). 

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