Fantastic Short Films 3

Wood Child and Hidden Forest Mother

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UK|2020 |10min |Asian Premiere |

Code Time Theater Rate GV Ticketing
302 7/12  10:30 CGV Sopung 3 15 GV
728 7/16  20:00 CGV Sopung 11 15
302 7/12  10:30CGV Sopung 3
15  GV
728 7/16  20:00CGV Sopung 11

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

Deep in the forest, a hunter encounters a strange creature he cannot kill. Caught up in a twisted tale of metamorphosis, creation and destruction, he embarks on a never-ending technicolour nightmare, and is transported to a vibrant new world••• and body•••.


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Stephen IRWIN

He is a graduate of Central Saint Martins. His films have won multiple awards and been screened at over 100 international film festivals, including three times in competition at the Sundance Film Festival.

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