Fantastic Short Films 2

Around the Stairway

Switzerland|2019 |5min |Korean Premiere |

Code Time Theater Rate GV Ticketing
321 7/12  17:00 CGV Sopung 8 15 GV
721 7/16  17:00 CGV Sopung 11 15
321 7/12  17:00CGV Sopung 8
15  GV
721 7/16  17:00CGV Sopung 11

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle

Program Note

In a fantastic town, many mysterious things happen at once. This collaborative short film - including 10 independant swiss animation films directors - was produced to celebrate together the 50th anniversary of the Association of the Swiss Animation Filmmakers.


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Die Wimmelgruppe

Die Wimmelgruppe is a collective, consisting of: Georges Schwizgebel, Jonathan Laskar, Delia Hess, Charlotte Waltert, Camille Müller, Elena Madrid, Gabriel Möhring, Sophie Laskar-Haller, Anja Sidler and Vladislav Lukyantsev.

Star Rating half_starempty_starempty_starempty_starempty_star  0